Chapter 5 – Gen. 1: Blueberry

Huckleberry had his modest birthday and now he is a handsome young man. I felt so awful about not throwing him a party and it looks like the way things are going, the girls won’t get one on their Birthday either

He doesn’t seem to care much about it. He just enjoys his playtime. He constantly wants to play tag with me, but I am not in best of shape. In fact lately I have been more tired than normal. I do my best though. Sadly most of the time I am “it”

He is also very good about his studies. I think he is going to spoil us with his studiousness. He gets home from class and he is straight up to his room for his reading his assignment. That boy loves to read.

Goji also had a birthday not to long ago. In fast just before the girls did. He also got a promotion that same night, so you could say he was a tad excited! He says he feels older. I personally don’t see much of a difference.

Well the girls birthday came and in a flash my little girls grew up right before my eyes. I was very excited but also saddened. I am gonna miss my babies! Wildberry looks a lot like her daddy. She has his beautiful hair color. I’m so jealous. She is still the serious ones cleaning up everyone’s messes.

Lilac is a lot like me. She is a bit of a slob. I have to practically twist her arm to get her bed made. She throws a huge fit. I have almost given up on the whole idea. “If you want messy room…fine with me”

I think Blissful and I get along the best. She is the easiest to talk to by far. Easiest if I can find her that is. She is always hiding somewhere. Just enjoying the silence. I can usually find her, but one time she was reading in the closet with a flashlight and it almost took me half the day to locate her.

I had to find her though… I had some important news!

Yup we were going to be having another baby. Goji was hoping for another boy. Personally one boy is enough for me, but I will be happy with which ever fate lays upon us.

Huckleberry has made a little friend at school. Lysette Creamsicle from across the street. These two are pretty much glued at the hip. I think it is absolutely adoarble that he has a little girlfriend. He doesn’t think so though.
“Shes not my girlfriend!” “Girlfriends are stinky!”

Lilac has also made a friend. Ferdinand Pie is the son of that famous chef in town Keylime Pie. I refrained from calling this one her boyfriend. Don’t want to make the same mistake twice. Right?

Wildberry and Lilac are still the dynamic duo. I had hoped as they grew older they would include their sister more often, but I guess not. As I watch them more I think I am realizing I may have had it all backwards. I think Blissful may be the one doing all the excluding.

Well the babies arrived just after my birthday. Babies?!? Yup. Twins… Little Tayberry and Lovely joined the family, just in time to celebrate Huckleberry’s Birthday. I have a lot of planning to do. This birthday is going to be a huge bash!!!


Filed under Generation 1

2 responses to “Chapter 5 – Gen. 1: Blueberry

  1. Blissful’s hair is soo cute! All these sims are so pretty! Is Blissful’s hair free, and do you know where you got it? 🙂

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